Frequently Asked Questions

International Career Counsellor’s Club (ICC Club) is a global association of qualified professional career counsellors, career coaches, career development experts, career development and management supporting institutes and career education organisations across the world. ICC Club had started with a vision to develop the global professional network of expert career counsellors, career coaches, career development organisations and employability development institutes to standardise, develop, improve, publish, promote and endorse their capabilities, achievements, certification programs and services to the rest of the world.

ICC Club is an NPO unit of Healthpro Eduresearch Work, a registered organisation under the India government regulations at the Ministry of corporate affairs (MCA) as an education support and research organisation under private sector

We provide membership for individual professionals, institutes, organisations and various associations working in career counselling, coaching, career development, employability, schooling, facilitations, skill development and job provisions.

Yes. You can use it as a credibility to your professional portfolio in any part of the world

We are not providing any academic certification in ICC Club and we are evaluating the qualifications in specific domains such as career development and career counselling. We certify your pre-existing qualifications or work practices only and hence our certificates are supposed to be used as the credibility instead of any qualification.

ICC Club is an independent organisation to assess the quality of services and facilities in career development sector and our certifications are independent and not issued from any university or government departments. The certificates from universities and government departments are for the collegiate education or business activities or licensing only.

Any individual or organisation working in CDP sectors can apply for this certification if they are following the professional standards and ethics.

You can use the accreditation status in your activities, website and publications as per the terms and conditions of ICCCLUB.ORG. However, issuing certificates in the name of ICC Club is not allowed to any of its members.

You can apply for their memberships and other benefits if you are qualified enough as per their standards.